Like the stars come out…

When it comes to fleshing out ideas for a story or a drawing, I often need to ruminate over the slightest spark of a thought.

Put the pot on and let it simmer.  I can try to hurry it along a bit, like stretching a just-washed sweater over a drying rack, pulling and twisting it into shape…but I know it will probably just bounce back.  Or end up, lifeless and baggy.  Until it’s… time.

I was starting to bite my nails a bit last week though when I had just a firefly glimmer of a plan and only a few days to go until a baby shower for one dear as a niece friend.  Could I really complete a drawing and have it framed and back in my hands on time to give?  Lord, please give me some fuller ideas, I asked (a tad anxiously).

So far…I knew I wanted to incorporate a line of a song I’ve always loved…as I have for past mother-to-be gifts.  An endearing verse about a mom who tells her little boy, “you my son shall blossom, as the newborn flowers below… I will be your raindrops, you will be my rose…”  – and one that I could reword slightly to fit boy or girl still unknown.   But I didn’t want to make the same exact piece I drew years ago for this friend’s aunt and a few others…

Then…ummmm… an image of someone holding a newborn filled my mind… another little scrap of an idea…

Maybe if I found the kind of pretty white frame I’d been sort of envisioning… one that had a slight curve to it… it might bring a picture into focus, I thought.  But browsing, I just wasn’t finding anything… until my eyes fell on the kind of frame I usually hate.  One of those collage types, with several different-sized cutouts.  I don’t know why, but they always strike me as faddish, and… well, just sort of tacky.   And I really wanted something more… classic.

But this one had the curvy lines I was envisioning, enticing me.  I contemplated the collage design.  One large rectangle in the middle, two tiny squares on either side…  Maybe I could work with that idea…

Bliss Victoria Magazine Blue & White Home Decor Ideas Matthew Mead ...    I remembered recently thumbing through an old issue of a magazine favorite…Victoria… and stumbling upon a new to me quote.  A charmer…from Victorian author George Eliot.  (Hmm… the authoress of literary fame who took a man’s pen name?) Suddenly, I could see those words in one of the little squares…  and the verse about the rose in another.  Maybe that sketch of a mom holding her newborn in a third, with the spotlight on the baby…

But… what about the large center rectangle?  I picked up the frame, traced out the squares on my art pad, filled in the verses, drew the hands holding the baby… But… now what?

I’d been flipping through magazines, looking for inspiration.   A child’s dresser and a pretty chair?  No.  A rocking horse?  No.  It was all just…too… nothing.   Maybe I needed to get a backup plan.  Like maybe some onesies.

Stop thinking about it.   Just take a walk.

   Outside, putting my prayers elsewhere, a photo image of a quaint cottage gate I’d noticed in Victoria suddenly breezed through my mind.  That gate would make a  great addition to a theme I have in mind for some other drawings… I speculated.  I’d have to go pull it out and save it…

Why not make that the center of this drawing now?  came an out of the blue sky idea.

Hmmm?  How might that work?  The gate did have the feel of an old storybook.  Kind of what I had in mind for this piece.  The more I thought about it, the more I liked it!

I felt it then… it was time.  All the missing pieces of that firefly idea, making me exhilarated to get back to it…

Like stepping out in faith…

Yes… when maybe we only have one step that seems clear, You don’t always reveal until we begin, do you, Lord? 

I looked at the sunlight filtering lacy patterns through trees around me and imagined His smile at that question.  I always wish I could see more of the plan up front, but His ways of revealing a little at a time are like lights of grace…

The whole picture in mind now, my fingers were flying then…  When it was done, I just couldn’t make myself cut up the pieces to fit the collage frame, so I headed to a different store.  And found… it.   So nearly exactly the one of my dreams, I almost breathed out OH!


Digital Camera

(Click to view larger)

It is in the simple, winsome moments like these... when the Creator of the World shows me — if He is so intimately involved even in the planning of a gift like this… down to the nth detail of a sweet and charming frame…wanting it to touch the receiver even as I dohow much MORE He is moving upon the deeply pressing concerns I am lifting before Him these days.

And I catch a bit of His heartbeat for us.  He knows the picture before we do… He takes each of our prayers, weaves each tapestry thread exquisitely, is even now filling in the light… rising His Glory upon us… guiding and inspiring even when we think we are alone…

In every overwhelming heartfelt prayer you are lifting up.  For the one who needs healing.   The one who feels hopeless.

Step by step,  He shows us the way…one by one, like the stars come out.

©   Pam Depoyan


NOTE:  The image of the framed drawing is under my copyright                    (please do not copy without permission.                                                                      See my copyright info button on the sidebar.  :) )


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About Pam@Writing...Apples of Gold

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28 Responses to Like the stars come out…

  1. Pam–I tried to post earlier~~~its been one horrible week….. I will share at another time… My dear friend—-You allowed the LORD to take that talented hand and HE saw your work and blessed it!!

    its fantastic, glorious, so filled with LOVE–showing the true beauty of the Gift of a CHILD…. I am in awe of your talent, which is so guided by your amazing FAITH…. WOW……….. love,martha

  2. Lynn Morrissey says:

    I”ve heard it said, Pam, that God is in the details, and I certainly know He cares about them–especially when you wanted to create something so special for a mother-to-be and her precious child. Your drawing and the verses are perfect and precious, and I think you have found another use for your artistic calling!
    And I love how the Lord inspires us when we ask for *His* ideas. So often He has given me a creative thought, after a prayerwalk, when previously there had been nothing remotely resembling one on my gray-matter horizon! I can’t tell you the number of times that that has happened.
    Turning a corner, I’m so glad that you mentioned Victoria Magazine. I am always surprised by the number of women who know nothing about it. It is beautifully written and has lovely photographs (though admittedly I did like the original magazine a bit more than this one in terms of literary merit). That said, I’d encourage your writng readers to get it, study it, and submit to their “Reader to Reader” section or “Chimes.” Who knows but that they might be a part of this special tradition. It’s been published since around 1988, with a several-year hitatus when it folded. But it’s back, as you have noted. I’ve had small publications in it.
    Thanks for yet another inspiring essay!

    • I know just what you mean about having no ideas and how they come unexpectedly after a time of prayer… I didn’t even really know where this post was going. Kept praying for ideas and nothing, nothing coming to mind. Finally just had to plunge in and see! I love how He gives us ideas. I just heard Andre Crouch telling an incredible story of where his first song came from…
      Yes, I love Victoria too… and did just send in a submission. 🙂 They even let me know that they received it, which I so appreciate.

      Yes, I want to “tell the stories” we treasure in life, more than just home portraits…and I think of this drawing as just another side of that 🙂 I’m hoping to even sell some prints of this particular drawing to and for other mothers-to-be … Thanks, Lynn!

      • Lynn Morrissey says:

        Oh indeed they would make lovely shower gifts. I hope you will pursue it. And isnt’ it neat how when you obey and just start writing, God takes your words where He wants them to go. That’s what I love about writing–you never know where you’ll end up! Oh, I’ll be praying for Victoria!!! PPF me too along those lines.

      • I love how He does that too!

        Thank you! I do pray they take yours too!

  3. Joy says:

    I love your creativity and how you see God’s help in every situation. You are talented. God’s gift:)

  4. Hello Pam! It’s nice to meet you! Thank you for this lovely post. It is amazing how God really does inspire us when we are ‘stuck’ in our creativity. I find He inspires me the most when I am doing the dishes, when I have wet hands and can’t dry them fast enough! I also love how He is so faithful to keep giving us His strength in our weakness, when we continue to give our talents to Him.

    Your artwork gift is simply stunning and I’m sure that the recipient of this gorgeous piece will treasures it for many years. I love the gate, and the frame is perfect! And it’s always nice to be reminded to step out in faith more with any sort of creativity … and I agree with Lynn … you never know where you’ll end up!

    • Hi Elisha! Thank you for stopping by and leaving those encouraging words! It’s so true what you said about ideas… I think maybe we can “hear” those ideas when our minds are more relaxed (like when we are washing dishes). So many times I get writing ideas when I’ve gone to bed and then I don’t want to get up and write them down! 🙂

      I want to do a larger picture of just that gate… there’s something about doors and gates that just speak to me 🙂 This one is from a photo taken of a cottage in Martha’s Vineyard. So charming. I’m always disappointed with how scanning and photos don’t really show the artwork as well as it really looks (the images always seem a bit squashed on here), so it means a lot that you loved this. In person, it just has such a pretty look to it with the white (and I love how the frame is edged in a sort of charcoal that picks up on the pen & ink…) Thanks again. Nice to meet you here too!

      • I keep a notebook in my bedside draw to record all those ideas! It works a treat! I love doors too, the older the better! The quality of the piece looks perfect to me, and I look forward to seeing your larger door/gate piece when it’s done too!

      • Thanks, Elisha. Glad you enjoy doors too… I loved drawing the English door (on my pen and ink link at the top of the blog) so it is inspiring me to look for more like this gate too… 🙂

  5. This is a lovely picture. Thanks for telling the story behind its creation. Have a blessed week!!

    Oh…I linked up just after you over at Faithful Fridays.

  6. Thank you for sharing this lovely gift with us. Such a wonderful talent you have…truly it is a gift from God. Everything came together perfectly! That is a gift that will be treasured forever!
    Love it, love it, love it!!!!!

    • You always make me smile, Pamela. 🙂 Thank you! Whatever I can do is just God, because I really never took many art classes beside high school required… It sounds funny, but each time I finish one, I admire it like it is not even mine, if that makes sense. Truly not like I’m thinking proudly of myself, but more just enjoying the results. Maybe because it’s just the type of artwork (like old book illustrations) that I love from other artists too? But I remember a great singer telling me that about his music too. How he could appreciate the music like it came from “someone else. ” I love that God has made us “creators,” sharing part of His nature in that… and seeing Him in that creating!

  7. Hello Pam — what a lovely baby shower gift. Priceless! I am sure the mom to be will treasure it. And I love how God creatively shows up — when our creative juices are stalling — and ties up all of our bits and pieces of inspiration into a pretty bow. Master Artist, praise Him! Blessings…visiting you from a Heart Reflected.

    • Hi Sheila – thank you for your lovely words! Yes, the Master Artist – I love the way He does that! 🙂 And the way He helped me put this together before I even had it fully imagined. Thanks for visiting… come again! Blessings to you too…

  8. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

  9. I begin to think I am out of stories to tell, then often as I hop into bed I remember something. If I do not get up right that minute and write it down, perhaps a title, and a few lines – – – it will be forgotten. Happens a lot when I don’t write it down. In a refreshing shower is another place to get thoughts and ideas, but again write it down. Today you are my neighbor at Jennifer’s His Story

    • That’s so true, Hazel!! How many times I have thought I’d remember… and lost it. Need to put a pad near my bed, I think! Seems like the minute our brains start to relax, the ideas flow… 🙂 Thanks for sharing that, neighbor!

  10. lolita says:

    Oh, Pam. I so love the firefly of an idea and how God used that to fan it into the bigger picture. I was certain that down below the post is the frame in question and I saved that for last. I wanted to finish reading before peeking on the final picture because I know I would like to be able to see the idea blooming and I wanted to take delight when the concrete vision comes.

    Such a delightful read, Pam. And the gift from the heart signed by God is just perfect for the baby and mom.

    • Thank you, Lolita. I was going to put that photo at the top, but then thought it would be better at the end. I like that you waited to let the words build up to it too… 🙂 I love to give gifts that have a little something special just for that person… so it was so fun to create this…

  11. Jann Olson says:

    Isn’t it amazing how God works? Sometimes we just have to listen. You have such amazing talent that he has blessed you with. Because you work through his inspiration and power he allows you to use it to the fullest. The sketches are fabulous! I love everything about it including the shape of the frame. Thanks for sharing it and your story with SYC.

    • Thank you for those lovely words, Jann. There really is such joy in creating something out of a picture in the mind, whether with words or art… or even with baking something or decorating or whatever we put our hands to, isn’t there? I can’t imagine trying without His help, because on my own I often feel pretty ordinary in it all. But I believe He takes our “straw” and makes it shine to gold to touch and bless others as well as ourselves. I’m so glad these drawings blessed you! And mm… I love that frame too. 🙂 A Michael’s special…

  12. Oh Pam, it’s beautiful! You have been blessed with such a gift. I love your post and picture 🙂 It’s wonderful how our Lord loves us so much more than we can fully comprehend.

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