Happy Thanksgiving!


On this day of giving thanks, what if we take up a refreshing challenge to  be a blessing?

Today, I am pondering the grateful hearts of the first settlers celebrating teamwork and mutual respect and adventure of beginning on a wondrous new journey…how they came together in humble and joyful spirit after so much heartache and struggle…

O, how we need to turn our hearts once again to that spirit of giving and receiving blessing!

Have you noticed lately – all the tares among the wheat?  “What is happening to a world where we think nothing of taking disrespect for others to seismic scale?  Hatred and anger and fear and rudeness – even attack — are considered elite, correct stances and no one is more important than number one.   “I don’t care what you are feeling!” one young, otherwise intelligent woman decries, captured as if in tantrum display on media for millions more than the immediate crowd to hear.   And I pray… “Oh, Lord… is there a way to soften tares into wheat?”

I have blessed you to be a blessing, He reminds.

Today… counting our personal blessings… let us ask His Holy Spirit how we can most bless Him –  what is on His heart –through Advent and in to every day of the new year.     Let us listen in to how He would have us bless friends, acquaintances and strangers alike…bring back civility, common caring and compassion,  understanding… and weave hope, light and grace citizen to citizen.   Ask Him to bring people our way in divine appointments of grace and encouragement.  Blessed are the peacemakers…

Blessings come in so many shapes and sizes…

  • Heartfelt prayer for another
  • A smile across a room
  • A lending hand
  • An encouraging word
  • Old fashioned never go out of style courtesy
  • Putting someone ahead of ourselves
  • and __(Let His Spirit fill in)__…  🙂

Much as the settlers, we can embark on a wondrous new journey, create a refreshed world around us…go forward as light-keepers to a new day.  Not necessarily thinking up ways, but leaning in to His whispers and lead…

Happy day of blessing keeping!

Autumn cornucopia - symbol of food and abundance

and, mmm…mm…happy celebrating with once a year food delights, family and friends!


©   Pam Depoyan

pen and ink, “Cilla and the Giant Pumpkin” : mine.  (Please do not copy without permission. See my copyright info button on the sidebar.  :)  ) 

 Image result for christmas gift image

Looking for a unique Christmas gift?

For the HGTV home lover you know, for decorating a child’s room, for a gift that tells part of your story… Stop by my Picture it in Pen and Ink online gallery at http://pamdepoyanblog.wordpress.com!  Check out the special Black Friday offer in the communique spot there too!

About Pam@Writing...Apples of Gold

I love to hear your thoughts, even chat back and forth amongst comments.Won't you join the conversation? :) ..................................................................................................................... May my stories refresh you, like a whisper from our Father's Heart !
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38 Responses to Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. lynndmorrissey says:

    Pam…. ah, lovely, timely, possible!! A journey of blessing and peace. Interesting that you should say it in this way (we usually just think of Thanksgiving as counting blessings)… but I told Mike just now, that I want to *be* a blessing and to have a real heart of hospitality to those who come today. So rather than going around our table, and everyone saying something for which they are grateful (and surely that *is* special), I’m going to type out a blessing for each person and read it to them… in essence, blessing them for who they are. It must be brief because so many are gathering at Ingleside today, and I will tell them I can think of far more for which to bless them, but just hearing someone say thank you for *this* thing about them, I pray will be received with a grateful heart. That is my hope. May you have a beautiful Thanksgiving, and please know how grateful I am for God connecting us online (feel as if we have met hundreds of times in person now over tea), and know I am especially grateful for your compassion, giftedness with words and art, and your insistence on bringing beauty and kindness to our attention–not being negative in your posts. Beauty is just as true as banality. God bless you, Pam.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    PS I am also requesting that no one talk about politics! amen!

    • You make me think of another beautiful truth to blessing others… blessing them with our words and prayers in the way people blessed their children etc. in the Word! I’ve been hearing a lot of teaching lately about how important those words of blessing are, and not just for children but for us all! Anointing others to succeed, be blessed in all they do, etc. Your celebration plans today sound like they will be infused with His anointing as that type of blessing! Thanks for sharing that Lynn! We did that even in a secular setting at work a few times… writing them out anonymously, little slips to give one another about what we really enjoyed about that person. I know those at your table will be blessed! I agree about the politics! Been thinking today of another post I want to write later… about wanting to get past the things that separate us (people thinking if we don’t think alike then it isn’t worth knowing you type of thing…) and take joy in knowing one another sharing our hearts and perspectives even if we differ… Seems a lost art we need to revive? 🙂 Happy Blessed Thanksgiving, Lynn!

  2. lynndmorrissey says:

    Wow, yes, Pam, exactly. THe bible calls it iron sharpening iron (and that doesn’t mean throwing knives! 🙂 ) I look forward to that post. So… I just finished writing out two things about which to be grateful for every single person attending (including the babies). So much of our gratitude is owed to those who grace our lives. We’ll see where this goes, but I truly pray it will be a blessing!

  3. lynndmorrissey says:

    And I’m meant to say: I love that little pumpkin-bearing girl. Darling drawing!

  4. Amen. My heart has ached and I pour it out to God, but He is always faithful to bring me joy and peace that only He gives. I have mercy on those who hearts hurt so much they lash out, because I was this way not too long ago myself. Hope you had a happy thanksgiving!

    Your neighbor @ #FreshMarketFriday

  5. I appreciate the truth of your message — and am utterly captivated by the little girl and the pumpkin. Such a great drawing!

  6. Kay says:

    These are wonderful thoughts and quotes for Thanksgiving. Lord, Make me a blessing!

  7. debwilson2 says:

    The drawing is beautiful! You are very talented. And yes, may we be the blessing Jesus wants us to be.

  8. I love your drawing. So sweet. Very wise words as well. This has been a very dark time in our country. The campaign was just so discouraging. We certainly have not been kind to one another and that is what needs to change the most.

  9. I love your list of blessings here Pam. Looks like we both thought of cornucopia’s for our posts. It is something I think of regarding God’s abundant blessings, especially around this time of year. May we be a blessing to all we come in contact with and they feel the love of Christ. I am thankful to be a child of His and I hope to be blessing not just now but every day. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Have a fantastic week and may God bless you and yours.

  10. It is so true, Pam, that blessings come in all sizes and ways. May we each look for ways to be a blessing to those around us.

  11. Barbie says:

    Beautiful Thanksgiving sentiments.

  12. Your artwork is lovely. And yes, what a great reminder for everyday to look for the opportunity to bless others and be the blessing they need. Glad to be your neighbor at #testimonytuesday.

  13. Great post! Worth the time to read.
    I especially liked the smile tip.

  14. A good reminder, Pam! That’s exactly what I was praying for this year. Hope you had a blessed day.

  15. Dawn Boyer says:

    I wonder, Pam, if we really did stop and think about being grateful for every little thing… and how it would change our perspective… if we would come to this grace thing a little easier and a little less apathetic. I am becoming increasingly convinced that our inability to let people be people and to love them whether or not they agree with us is really blinding us to truth. Thanks for the reminder to be a blessing, we all need that.
    Thank you for sharing this at the #GraceMoments Link Up.

  16. Thank you for linking this up with Literacy Musings Monday this week!

  17. MaryHill says:

    I echo this thanks. I really enjoyed reading your post.

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