Summer Hurrah

As summer comes to a close, and in honor of the holiday weekend, I thought I’d re-post one of my favorites about a beautiful late spring/early summer day.  Wherever you are, whatever you are doing this weekend…   

Take time to enjoy the “living letters” around you!


White sailboat  - csp3175963The first time I heard him play… snow-puff clouds studded the skyline, mirroring the distant sails out skimming the small neighborhood lake that late spring afternoon.  Quickly I scanned the shore.  Students lounging with their books.  Laughter from a young couple and two toddlers having a blanket picnic on the lawn.  A curly-headed child chirping delight as she warily edged closer to some ducks, timidly holding out her bread offering, looking to her mom for approval.

It’s okay, honey, go ahead,” her mom coaxed, meeting my smile.

Ah, there…a vacant bench, under some trees bending gracefully over the water’s edge.  Perfect.

Keywords: jaflong, saikat, barnali, sylhet, bangladesh, sunset, hilly area, indian border Sitting, I closed my eyes for a moment, inhaling the breezes.  Enjoying the soft lapping of the water at my feet…and, mmm…half a day’s respite away from the confines of my job. A good place to relax…read…pray

Then…almost magically, with a swoop out of nowhere… came the sudden lilting sounds of an accordion, joyous as a carillon, rising up and around me and out over the water… Transforming the feel of the scene as if I’d suddenly been transported into a live impressionist painting – somewhere along the waters of Southern France…or maybe to a gondola in Italy…

On and on it came, each piece rolling into another… Moon RiverBella NotteStrangers in the Night…Spanish EyesO Sole Mio      La vie en roseWindmills of Your Mind… One classic love theme after another – all with that French-Italian flavor so uniquely accordion, and somehow…so perfect for this day.  I watched in awe as romance took a whirl all ’round….

Free Umbrella ClipartAn older gent and his lady, suddenly walking arm-in-arm along the circle path, stopping to do a little waltz… and laughing at themselves with child-like glee.

Free Umbrella ClipartAnother elderly man, power-walking by in Tee and shorts, bony knees and legs perfectly in step to the lively tunes.

Free Umbrella ClipartThe young mother lifting and holding her curly-headed daughter close, twirl-dancing to her giggles, out on the lawn.
Free Umbrella ClipartEven the sweet breezes – moving like a paintbrush making broad-stroked ripples across the blue, blue waters, gently bobbing the distant sails, rocking the moored boats at the pier beside me and riding the closer ducks atop the waves, two by two…

Accordion player on a bridge - A street musician playing... Then…as the music strains began to fade away… a clapping erupted, with sounds of people clamoring for their own personal favorites.  “Can you play...?”  “Oh, how about…?” and the older couple softly murmuring, “Mmm…You take us back to our courting days…

Looking around, I finally spotted him – behind me and up on the side-walked hill overlooking the park.  A middle-aged man, smiling broadly over his fold-out instrument and doing his best to keep up with requests.  Taking a break, he delighted almost as much in conversing, explaining how he had retired early, just enjoyed giving of his music – especially on glorious days like this one… No, no –  not for money, he said – just for the love of it.

He had stepped away a moment as I made my way back, and I talked with his wife, telling her how much I was enjoying his music.

“Oh, that one –” she laughed, “he’s in his element!  It’s in the winter, when he wants to play incessantly indoors, that I go a little crazy!”   I thought, “Hmm…yes, I can imagine that.  Still…”  The twinkle in her eye told me that days like this one made up for the others.

I returned to my bench, willing him to continue…  And on and on he played… two hours of a free concert by the lake… making my half-day off feel more of a holiday getaway than I’d ever imagined.  Like a soundtrack blessing.  Divine appointment?  Mmmm… YesI think so

Smiles of thankful joy shone all around…for the man who gave and received a gift by writing refreshing glory on the hearts of strangers… and uniting us…as only music can do.

No telling when he’d be there next…but I hoped I would be too.  And I thought – somehow, this man understands living letters

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                  Have you “come upon” such an unexpected gift lately?                                                                     Sometimes…like angels unaware…they’re all around us.  🙂

© Pam Depoyan


Linking with Still Saturday as we drink in the last days of

summer’s quiet beauty…

About Pam@Writing...Apples of Gold

I love to hear your thoughts, even chat back and forth amongst comments.Won't you join the conversation? :) ..................................................................................................................... May my stories refresh you, like a whisper from our Father's Heart !
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23 Responses to Summer Hurrah

  1. Lynn Morrissey says:

    What a beautiful, lyrical post, Pam, and a tribute to summer, sunshine, music, life, and the God of joy! I felt as if I had entered a Renoir or Monet painting or maybe Seurat’s “Un Dimanche Apres-Midi…” (A Sunday Afternoon…)–the one in the park. This reminds me of strolling along rivers or lakes in Europe, or stopping to hear street-side musician, so prevalent in these old countries (I even sang Ave Maria once, spontaneously, with a marvelous student violinist in Vienna, who was playing on a cobblestone walk). You remind me here of taking time to appreciate God’s beauty and the people like the old accordianist who make beauty with their gifts–just like you do with your writing. THank you so much for sharing!

    • Wow… sounds like you have been to a lot of beautiful places I’ve only dreamed of. I was just watching the tail end of a PBS summer concert in Vienna… and thinking how wonderful it would be to be there. I love that this post evoked so much of that beauty for you. Thank you for sharing that! This really doesn’t fit the usual Still Saturday (wordier), but I just really wanted to share it again. I would have loved to hear you sing the Ave Maria (which one, Schubert?)

      • Lynn Morrissey says:

        My husband Michael and I were privileged to visit the British Isles and Europe, pre-SHeridan (our lovely daughter), and then we went to the British Isles (save Wales) 3 times. Sheridan and I had the privilege of visiting Prague, Czech. and Dresden, Germany in the spring of 2011, when her high-school choir toured there on a missions trip. Here again, God used music, His universal language, to soften and change hearts. It is my prayer that you will be able to visit the places of which your heart dreams. Seeing the world from a different perspective changes our lives. But in the meantime, Pam, you are changing lives through your words. Keep writing words of such beauty, truth, and power. And may all of us meet some solitary “street musician” and take time just to pause and drink in the beauty of music. So many people, unlike you, just pass them by. What a treat they miss! And yes, it was Schubert’s Ave Maria, though I also love the Bach-Gounod! =]

    • lolitavalle says:

      Hi, Lynn!

      May I butt-in?

      What does Sheridan play. How good that she can be to places with her choir and that you’ve been with her all those times. Yes, Music plays a big role in conversions.

      And I echo your wishes for Pam to be able to visit her English country side of dreams.


      • Lynn Morrissey says:

        I love it when people chime in and I thank Pam so much for her graciousness in setting up her blog in such a way as to invite dialogue! Pam and Lolita, you are both so precious! Yes, music plays a big part in our family. My paternal grandmother played like a player piano–you could simply hum a tune and she would be off at lightening speed, her fingers leaping over keys in whole-octave jumps. Mother plays the piano, too, and she gave me my first love of music, teaching me hymns and nursery songs, and eventually she taught me to play the piano, too. My father had a rich and rare basso profundo voice and could have sung opera had his parents had the $ for his training. How I miss his gorgeous voice. He and I often sang together at family functions and sometimes in public. Sheridan has a beautiful pure soprano voice, and it was a joy to go with her to Germany and the Czech Republic to sing the love of Christ with people who didn’t know Him. Many hearts were touched. She and I enjoy singing together, and just last spring sang a beautiful (if difficult) Mendelssohn duet. I sing with The American Kantorei, a Bach performance group in St. Louis. I hope that Sheridan will be able to join this someday, but for now, she is busy being a college art student! =] If you would like to hear the Kanoterei, go here: There are two “video boxes.” Yours truly is on the front row, second in from the left, next to the blonde. I am wearing my hair curly (don’t always) and have on a string of pearls. I hope you enjoy listening.

  2. lolitavalle says:

    I love the serenity and peace of that Bella Day, Pam. It is just right to recall it as summer is past going on the the red tree tops days.

    Hugs and blessings to you, my dear.

  3. Janneke says:

    Thank you for this beautiful poetry. I haven`t had sow good summer op in North of Europa. So it is good to dream away to sunny days.I wish I was there and see the same that you do. Sit there on the bench and talk to you.
    Happy Saturday to you to.

    • Thank you, Janneke! Yes, it would be fun to talk together there… 🙂 I’m glad it put some beauty in your mind! But of course, when I think of the majestic fjords I’ve only seen in photos, my little lake can’t compare!! I remember doing a school report once on the beauty of Norway. Mmmm… 🙂

  4. Lynn, for some reason I can only reply directly one time on here… But just wanted to say I’m glad you’ve been blessed with all those beautiful trips! I love both those Ave’s too. I have a Christmas album that has both versions… And yes, we can miss so much if we aren’t paying attention… 🙂 thank you again for all your kind and encouraging words!

    • Lynn Morrissey says:

      You are most welcome, Pam! Heartfelt! Sometime you should post your favorite Christmas CDs. I start playing my Christmas music in October! THis is not in keeping w/ Christmas-mall mania, but rather, because I am attempting to prepare my heart for the celebration of our Lord’s birth. Thank you for turning our hearts toward worship!

      • That’s a good idea, Lynn! Maybe I will do that as we get closer to that time of year… I can tell you one name straight off though, that encompasses most of my all time favorite Christmas music – although I have many other CDs of that season now that I also can’t get enough of…. And that is Andy Williams. I have all his Christmas music. As a kid, I played his all year round. (And if ever it is cold enough to seem Christmasey, even now I am tempted any day, any time. 🙂 )Nothing so beautiful as Christmas music to me… 🙂

  5. Lynn Morrissey says:

    Amen to that, Pam. Merry Christmas!

  6. This is such a delight! You transported me right there. Just wonderful.

    I wonder if we can find a fiddle player ala Pa Ingalls to help bring a little life to the coming winter.

  7. Yes, angels do drop into our lives and bless us through the hearts and hands of others. How joyful can it be beyond this? [I LOVE to hear my husband play the piano… not even a regular song, just playing as the Lord moves his hands. Lovely stretch of time.]

  8. Kel Rohlf says:

    Pam- Thank you for transporting me to a beautiful summer afternoon. We live near a small municipal lake, but have never heard an accordian player. What a delight. I love to go down to our little lake for walks, bike rides and times of solitude. Sometimes I forget the lake is there and when my driving takes me past the location, I think I need to get to the water. Being near water…lakes, rivers, creeks, and even fountains fills my soul and reminds me that the Living Water is always near and flowing. Take care…and thankfully summer will linger for a few more weeks…

    • Yes, I am looking forward to summer, or Indian summer for a month or more myself. 🙂 Even though fall is my favorite time of year… I relate so much to what you are saying. I don’t get to the little lake nearly as much as I would like to, though I have been walking there with a friend lately. There is just something so refreshing about water lapping, sunlight on the water etc. I’m glad this transported you there too! Thanks for stopping in… please come again! 🙂 I’ll stop over at yours too…

      • Kel Rohlf says:

        Thanks Pam! I am just getting back into blogging. I love how the community has grown and I like the idea of linking up with each other to encourage one another

  9. Diane says:

    Beautiful, as always Pam. I’ve missed your posts. But, I’m here!

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