Whatever is lovely…

 Beautiful woman holding multicolored umbrella in green grass field and sunset - stock photo

Who inspires me?

I’ve been contemplating this question from Holley’s Coffee for Your Heart all week as I’ve worked on finalizing artwork with little to no time for writing.  Somehow drawing always frees my mind to composing in thoughts, if not yet by pen (or keyboard)…

And my rhetorical answer is – must I limit that to just one inspiring person?


My spirit sails like cloud white schooners across a blue sky when I think of these who lift me to greater heights:

  • The girls and boys I’ve watched grow up, now young women and men, who courageously, joyously, breathlessly take their music and dance to the stage… flying    en pointe, employing oboes and saxophones and brass horns to sing grace and beauty and light out over rooms full of audience… as though they performed for but one.
  • Women who give generously and openly of home and heart and warmth.  Punctuate gifts and tables and life with all the finessing details that wrap memories with brightly-shimmering bows.
  • Authors who lift me to fresh insights, write with lyrical pen, leave me with characters who breathe so alive in my imagination that I am nearly writing their ongoing scenarios long after closing the book.
  • Artists who create mood in pictures that stir stories upon my heart.
  • Men and women who pray intimately, deeply, genuinely…lifting His words of hope and promise back and up to the One who lives in us, soaring Faith…
  • Encouragers who build others up, cherish what is good and noble and lovely.
  • Entertainers who make me cry with the beauty of their song, the fun or tenderness or sweetness of their humor… bring me into their “living rooms” as a welcomed guest… lift me to prayers of blessing over them…

Portrait of funny lovely little girl blowing soap bubble - stock photo No, I do not hunger to be on stage or entertain.  But somehow the joy and freedom and beauty I see in others who do, releases and soars my own dreams of creating something lasting and refreshing and reflective of His Majesty in ongoing ways.  Makes me step out with a little more…brave… in my soul.

For me, it is in stories and music of words.  In illustrations that put thoughts and memories and a kind of light within us, the kind that can make people feel something warming they maybe can’t even put into words. In encouraging others.

And, music… the written words… prayers of heart…  they all inspire me to opening my hands up to the One who wants to waft us as a lasting, refreshing fragrance in this world.  To seeking more and more how to lean into the Holy Spirit, hearing and following His leading, and praying, O Lord, take the gifts You put in me, big or small, and anoint them to bring your oil of gladness, beauty, light to inspire others… shining  and rising Your glory over all.

Green sprout growing from seed in organic soil - stock photo

Who inspires you?



©  Pam Depoyan


“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

~ Phil 4:8 NIV

Linking with Holley 


Also sharing with: Sunday Stillness with Janis Cox          Renewed Daily - Recommendation Saturday   Beauty in His Grip Button   Scripture and Snapshot   

About Pam@Writing...Apples of Gold

I love to hear your thoughts, even chat back and forth amongst comments.Won't you join the conversation? :) ..................................................................................................................... May my stories refresh you, like a whisper from our Father's Heart !
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10 Responses to Whatever is lovely…

  1. lynndmorrissey says:

    So very lovely Pam. I love this line: “releases and soars my own dreams of creating something lasting and refreshing and reflective of His Majesty in ongoing ways.” I know you can’t put yourself on your own list :-), but I have put you on mine. I see so few Christians whose mission is to refresh. I love that thought….refresh the weary with a word, with a photo, with a drawing, with a song, with laughter, and the warmth of a hug. I love truth, because I love Truth, and I don’t ever want to shy away from taking a stand for it, especially in controversial issues. But sometimes, I just want to be refreshed by beauty. This, too, is inspiring, and you and your quest for the refreshment of beauty surely inspire me. Thank you for all you do at your golden spot in the blogosphere for inspiring beauty!
    PS Love that photo of the golden girl with the “cumbrella” (Sheidan’s baby word–and I still call it that! 🙂 The girl in the picture reminds me of a modern-day Dorothy, somewhere over the rainbow……

    • Thank you, Lynn… Your words remind me of a proverb that talks about he who refreshes being like cool water… and of how music refreshed the King in old testament… I think beauty does reflect Truth, too. And I’m so blessed to know how my posts refresh and inspire you! That lifts me today.

      I love that photo too… I first had a music photo, but then when I found this yellow one it was so perfect. Just wish they didn’t have to smash their name all over the top of it. (Could be a little more subtle.) Love Sheridan’s baby word for umbrella!! And Somewhere over the Rainbow is one of my favorites of all time. Thanks!

  2. ambercadenas says:

    I love how your heart just sings of these who inspire you and how it all just flows together and from and back to the one who inspires it all. All these you mentioned, they are indeed inspiring, and I found my heart soaring, too, as I thought of how I’ve been inspired by the artists of all kinds in my own life. Thank you for this today.

  3. Renewed_Daily says:

    You inspire me, the way that your words and images can become such solid, tangible things and reach right out to grab others. You spread inspiration.
    Thank you for linking up with Recommendation Saturday! Heart Hugs, Shelly ❤

  4. Pam~~the answer to this posting of yours comes very easy for me~~the irony is to be answering the question you pose when Health issues are tossing constant changes to both my husband and me. Silently we both have moments of deep frustration–wishing things were better, and wanting that deep JOY back in our lives–strange how you can learn to LAUGH at Pain in the wee hours of the night, as it hits us that we are sharing the Laughter, and the Pain…..

    So to the question–“Who Inspires me the Most?” His name is Matt~~my husband of almost 39 years, and I LOVE him as much today as when I first saw his Glorious Smile and heard his Laughter!!! He has taught me so much though the years~~not by any “direct lessons” but just his steady rock solid approach at Life. FAITH in GOD is his base~~~~nothing will ever change that– and I “LINK” my Inspiration answer to GOD—-many long years ago I put my head down on my desk and prayed as I had never done before~~~I asked God to bring me a man “who would LOVE me for the person I am, RESPECT me, HONOR me and STAY with me forever……

    Three weeks later—I met Matt……. Yes—it was Love at first sight!!!!!!!

    Thank you Pam for allowing me to “take a walk back in time” —-brought a warmth to my heart…

    • Martha, you are truly blessed in that answer to prayer! Thanks for sharing your heart – I’m so glad God has blessed your marriage in such beautiful ways! And with God… truly a three-chord strand that can’t be broken.

  5. marty says:

    Such a beautiful post! I admire many of the same things and I am blessed to have more than a few of the same instances in my life.

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