Mmmm… stands for Muffins!

little-girl-holding-snowballI’ll tell you a “secret.”

I love watching Martha (Stewart) Bakes on PBS.   Especially for great new holiday baking ideas!

She hooked me when I was home taking care of my elderly father a year ago, but I could never find her on my local stations when I returned.

Then — suddenly — there she was!  Twice a week!

Most of the time, I think I just enjoy all the creative touches and something in my appetite for sweets is mysteriously satisfied in a way I never thought possible – just by watching.   Incredible as that sounds, she makes me feel like I’ve actually tasted the treats – and no calories or sugar troubles!

I mentally file away some of the recipes I might like to try someday.  Others, I google immediately and capture the link.   Given some of the legend surrounding Martha and her supposedly over the top creations, you might be surprised to know that most of what she bakes is easily manageable by anyone who bakes even just a little… and she often explains step by step…

All this to say, watching one program devoted to several fantastic-sounding muffins a few months back, I knew I’d found the something I would bring to my next holiday gathering.  Something that sounded and looked deliciously savory and sweet.  Healthy – well, somewhat — because it included zucchini!  And simple to present in a pretty eye-catching way!

I baked them in batches since one recipe only makes about  10 – 12… and tasting one fresh from the oven stopped me in my tracks.  A couple of unusual ingredients (ground cardamom and anise seeds) had put these over the top in tender, cake-like goodness.

“Oh, my gosh!” I exclaimed to the empty kitchen – these are SO yum!”

(Martha lists cardamom as optional, probably because it is hard to find and can be expensive, but if you can locate some at a reasonable price as I did, I highly recommend it!  I had searched many stores and only found one that had a huge bottle at an equally huge price.  I only needed 1/8 tsp, so that was out!  Then I thought of a local Italian grocery and presto!  They had it, and the equally hard to find anise seeds, available in tiny ziplock bags for a little over $2.  I’ve heard Indian stores probably carry these spices in bulk too…)

“Those are beautiful, Pam!”  my friends exclaimed this Thanksgiving as I arranged them on a platter for the buffet.  I’d found some pretty “tulip” shaped cupcake papers at Hobby Lobby… two toned, with purple and green, they opened up in a scalloped top.  Martha had used something elegant and simple…same tulip shape, but solid white (like parchment paper), but searching stores had left me barehanded until I’d found these.

Drizzling with an orange glaze, Martha added a sprig of green chervil (curly parsley works) to each one, and against those papers – I found it the perfect touch too!

Image result for christmas tea cup image

Looking for a fun new treat to share with family and friends this Christmas?  Having a few over for brunch anytime soon?   I highly recommend these zucchini orange muffins from Martha!  Especially with a cup of tea!  Easy to bake (other than having to wring out the grated zucchini, which is a pain but necessary)!  They freeze well too… Since Thanksgiving, I’ve been treating myself now and then to a few leftover and warming up makes them like fresh from the oven!

A great perk of this link too is that you can not only print the recipe but also watch Martha in a short video clip there as she bakes this particular recipe… *

Oh so yum fresh from oven!  Enjoy!!


*TIP:  I bought organic oranges and zucchini since I’d be using the skin of both… no need to be concerned for pesticides.

©   Pam Depoyan

pen and ink drawing above, “Snow on Snow” : mine.  (Please do not copy without permission. See my copyright info button on the sidebar.  :)  )   Available for purchase in my newest gallery at Picture it in Pen and Ink – Christmas Wonder   .

 Image result for christmas gift image

Looking for a unique Christmas gift?  See my special offers for the Month of December — free shipping and more!

For the HGTV home lover you know, for decorating a child’s room, for a gift that tells part of your story… Stop by my Picture it in Pen and Ink online gallery at 

Love Love Love 1940’s era drawings of children?  Also, check out my newest gallery of  Christmas Wonder where you’ll find “Snow on Snow” and more for Christmas!

About Pam@Writing...Apples of Gold

I love to hear your thoughts, even chat back and forth amongst comments.Won't you join the conversation? :) ..................................................................................................................... May my stories refresh you, like a whisper from our Father's Heart !
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20 Responses to Mmmm… stands for Muffins!

  1. Pam, I am a huge Martha Stewart fan…I read her monthly magazine now because now that I work full-time I’m never home to watch her show. These muffins look amazing, and your artwork takes me back to when I was a child watching Shirly Temple movies… just angelic!

    • I’ve always liked her but working full time too I never could watch. I didn’t know they had clips online until I saw it on this recipe link… I absolutely love the taste of these… She’s actually on here at noon and then at midnight, and I often have to wait till midnight to watch. But a nice way to relax before bed!!

      I used a vintage photo as a model of sorts but for some reason my drawing took on a whole new light – the original little girl was very dark haired, and the background more dark gray, but mine coming out blonde did remind me of Shirley too! It also reminds me of two people I know today. Interesting. 🙂 So glad this reminds you of Shirley – I still love her movies! 🙂 Thanks, Crystal!

  2. What a great post! Your appealing photograph and description makes me want to watch Martha Stewart AND bake some muffins! Many Christmas blessings to you!

  3. bcb0 says:

    Well, Yum! I wasn’t hungry, but for some reason, now I am. 😀 I have her cookie cookbook and it’s really good. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Pam. Merry Christmas! 🙂

  4. Nicole Kauffman says:

    These sound delicious! And thank you for the suggestions of where to get the hard-to-find ingredients!! This recipe sounds too good to pass up!

  5. That is the exact cup and saucer I purchased a couple days ago! Love it – Yuletide! Thanks for sharing and linking.

  6. Jann Olson says:

    Wow Pam, they look and sound delicious! I have a bag of grated zucchini in my freezer and I do have cardamom, but not anise seeds. I’ll have to look for some. Would love to try them. Thanks for sharing with Creating Christmas.

  7. Gayl says:

    Pam, these sound so delicious. I do happen to have cardamom and anise! So I really should try them, although I don’t have zucchini right now I’m sure I could find some. Thanks for sharing! I’m your neighbor this week at #FreshMarketFriday. Oh, and I love your accompanying drawing! Blessings to you! Have a Merry Christmas!

    • Yes, you could find zucchini! Let me know what you think if you make them. Amazing you have both those spices!

      I’m so glad you love the drawing! I wasn’t sure how I was going to work it all out with the background, but I’m loving the way it came out. God seems to direct me when I don’t know how to create the effect I hope it brings. 🙂 I’ve been enjoying working on these drawings this season for my pen and ink blog, Christmas wonder the theme on these. Merry Christmas and blessings to you too, Gayl!

  8. Tammy Davis says:

    I like a lot of Martha Stewart’s recipes and crafts, too. Been following her for a while.

  9. Sylvia D. says:

    Pam, Your drawing is really nice. Thanks for sharing the recipe and the presentation of the muffins in these cupcake liners brings it to a new level. Very lovely. Sylvia D.

    • So glad you enjoyed the drawing! I hope you’ll stop by my pen and ink blog and check the Christmas Wonder link where I have more drawings of this type! 🙂 See my link in the closing of this post above.

      Yes, those papers are fun aren’t they? I didn’t find those exact ones, but some tulip cups at Hobby Lobby looked as nice! Thanks, Sylvia!

  10. jerralea says:

    Love the drawing and the recipe. Thanks for sharing!

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