A Prequel Post to the Annual Autumn 31 Days Linkup …and An Invite


A 31-Day Color Tour Invite for You…

Words I remember hearing my mom say at her dad’s funeral suddenly echo lingeringly now… like the long whistle of a train, hissing steamily into my ear…

“I feel like an orphan,” she is speaking woefully into the chapel. Her mom, her sister, her beloved daddy, all gone on ahead. Even with us at her side, she seems a bit lost, the lone daughter left holding a rose. This is what it is like to lose all (or most of) your immediate family, I think then.

Today, those words are trying to insinuate themselves into my own reality… for my sister and I stand in mom’s place now…and for a time, I allow what seems reality to settle. As if it’s a somewhat bitter flavor on my tongue I’m trying to decipher. The definition of orphan: Bereft, left behind…

“You are selling your birthright by accepting and speaking out that thought,” the Holy Spirit gently interrupts.

“Huh? Wha-at?” I question, stupefied.

“Adam and Eve spoke the serpent’s lie over themselves, by forgetting My Word,” He explains, “and gave up My Plan. I created them to speak LIFE into the world. But they abandoned My Truth for insidious words of death, Satan’s great lie in a doubt-filled question –‘Did God really say that?’

Tenderly, He leads me to read about Abraham, the only man of true faith who spoke out God’s promises while simultaneously keeping silent about how impossible things looked like to his eyes… (I never saw that before. Abraham knew his body was ‘dead,’ yet he did not allow himself to speak that out. He declared His God mighty and able to keep His Word!)

He shows me how He sent Jesus to restore us to His original plan for dominion over words of death, to bring us into the covenant of blessing He gave Abraham (Galatians 3:13). How He poured out His Life’s blood in covenant over all who will call Him Lord to give us back this dominion… but…

still His children are daily, hourly choosing what only LOOKS to be real as their reality, speaking out what the devil whispers into their hearts, not understanding they are calling death into life with the words they speak. (“I will never get over this. Everything bad is bound to happen to me… Nothing will ever change this person or situation…”)

“But, don’t we have to face reality sometimes, God?” I wonder.

“Do you define ‘reality’ as what you see, or what you’ve seen in the past?  Or is My reality greater? Faith is declaring as true what you do not yet see,” He reminds. “I want you to say ‘no’ to every negative by declaring what I have told you is True.

“Take each thought captive by replacing it with My Truth. The enemy is vanquished, but you must declare My promises so he will flee. Otherwise, he keeps you under his chains that I have broken off you.  Then, you may mistake those chains for Me, when it is really a door opened to his paralyzing lie…keeping my children from living in My Victory…

“Do not even give place to the lies he tries to overcome you with. Then you will allow Me to bring forth Light, Life and Healing…in and through you…”

Pondering, I am reminded then of an article I once wrote about singing God’s Word over those we are interceding in prayer for (Sing God’s Heart Into Someone’s Life) – the power of the Holy Spirit in His very Words to take what seems real and transform it in His Light.

I’ve seen how He uses Word-based prayers… but how easily we slip into everyday talk that denies God is who He says He is… never realizing…!

I feel like an orphan….

No, my Father is with me. I am loved with an everlasting love.

But I am bereft… left behind…

No, my God has promised to never leave me.

He has brought me into the Family of God…

Another memory slips into my thoughts… of a fun old Doris Day movie based on the premise of her agreeing to say ‘no’ to every question she’s asked for a certain time period – to be rewarded with great bounty if she does. No, No, Nannette… is the musical refrain…

And a theme that has been rolling around my thoughts lately for my 31-days-of-Autumn linkup suddenly takes fuller shape…


A 31-Day Autumn Harvest of our words from seeds we plant…

We’ll begin with devotional posts about words we say about ourselves and how God is longing for us to live more truly  in the freedom and victory of His Promise won for us.

Like, No, no Nannette, saying ‘no’ to those negating thoughts we catch ourselves expressingNothing good will ever happen to me.  And restoring what God says in His word about us as the Truth we choose to believe…  Blessings are overtaking me. I am surrounded by His Favor and walking in His anointing…

My pen and ink drawing above of this train reminds me of a fall trip I took with my parents there in Canada several years ago (that could even be them, walking beside the train 🙂 )…  and so, I am inviting you to come along with on THIS color tour.  Your free ticket awaits! 

Will you join me beginning October 1st?  🙂

Let’s dig into the words God sings over us, and spend time meditating on a specific one each day. 

If it takes 21 days to form a habit, how much greater in 31!  


Have you been fighting some negative self-talk lately?  If you feel like sharing, I’d love to pray about that with you – let us look together for His Word over that falsehood… 

© Pam Depoyan

  • Pen & Ink Home Portrait shown above: mine, under my copyright  (please do not copy without permission. See my copyright info button on the sidebar.  :)  )
  • Vintage Good Housekeeping cover

Sharing with:

   Beauty in His Grip Button Teaching What Is Good   Give Me Grace

Sunday Stillness with Janis Cox

 Looking Up,

Soli Deo Gloria Connections,

Good Morning Mondays,

Soul Survival

Reflect His Love & Glory   What Joy is Mine Monday Musings

Me,Coffee & Jesus

Testimony Tuesday


About Pam@Writing...Apples of Gold

I love to hear your thoughts, even chat back and forth amongst comments.Won't you join the conversation? :) ..................................................................................................................... May my stories refresh you, like a whisper from our Father's Heart !
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37 Responses to A Prequel Post to the Annual Autumn 31 Days Linkup …and An Invite

  1. Mary Geisen says:

    What a beautiful post about holding God’s promises as truth. Faith is seeing but not yet seeing and believing and your words summed that up so well. Thank you for sharing this at Weekend Whispers.

  2. samcitty says:

    Great to see another #write31days writer! I look forward to reading your series! Visiting from #playdateswithgod.

  3. Pam, This is such a beautiful post!

    The Lord seems to be ministering to me in the area of negative self-talk because he has led me to several blog posts which share insights about taking captive every thought to the obedience of Christ.

    You touched on my main area of struggle… ““Do you define ‘reality’ as what you see, or what you’ve seen in the past?” Too often I face a situation based on how it went in the past. The antidote for this line of thinking… “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19” I must remember that God will do a new thing in the situation and “accomplish all that concerns me”. I must not waste time thinking negative thoughts, but trusting in the promises of God.

    Thanks for sharing such an encouraging post!

    • Pam says:

      Thank you for the blessing of your words, Karen! I think that is a tendency we all have, especially when we’ve prayed hard for someone or something and the situation has gone another way. It’s hard not to keep looking at that as our touchbase on how it will always be. But we don’t always know why something else happened in that particular situation, or why so and so experienced it this way, or why we did in our own lives… we only know God wants us to look at what He says, not what we perceive or have seen in past. I think of the faith it took the woman with the issue of blood to just make her way thru crowds to Jesus, believing He would do what had seemed impossible for so many years. If she’d looked at what had been, instead of believing Jesus, she would never have reached out and received! I love your “antidote” verse! I am looking forward to what I pray God brings to my posts as I lift this series to Him… I’m so glad this encouraged you too! 🙂

  4. Sylvia R says:

    This really sound like a good one—and one I could use! (Lot of negative self-talk going on in here lately.) I definitely want to be climbing on board! Thanks for this today!

  5. Laura Rath says:

    How we speak to ourselves is so important! So often the words we use to ourselves are ones we would never speak to someone else. Great idea for the 31 days series! Visiting from the SDG Gathering today. God bless!

  6. MaryHill says:

    Great word. My favorite quote: “The enemy is vanquished, but you must declare My promises so he will flee.” Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Pam,
    Your words are speaking truth to me today because I often think the opposite of what I hope for just in case I’m disappointed and what a discouraging mindset that is! Speaking out the truth like Abraham did is so inspiring — appreciate these words today!

    • Pam says:

      I know just what you mean, Valerie… and isn’t that exactly what the devil would like us to do. To keep us living in disappointment or feeling we don’t quite dare to hope. Please do come back for the series… I think God is putting some encouraging truths upon my heart to share on all this…. Thanks for letting me know this inspired you today!

  8. You are so right! God’s word has so much power and I don’t think we realize how much our words have power, too. What we choose to speak out has an effect on our spirits and how we live our lives. Let us speak the Good News! AMEN!

    • Pam says:

      I love something I heard Beth Moore say last night on TV… “Do we give God the platform to show up big and show off to the world in and through our lives?” How much we allow Him to move relates to the words in our mouth… 🙂 Thank you, Jennifer for your confirming words!

  9. Kristi Woods says:

    Your words are washing over me with encouragement today. It’s timely. Thank you, Jesus. Visiting today via #countingmyblessings.

  10. Pingback: Day 12: Fall Winnowing of our Words! | Writing… Apples of Gold

  11. Pingback: Day 13: In the Secret Place | Writing… Apples of Gold

  12. Pingback: Day 14: Singing HOPE Against All HOPE | Writing… Apples of Gold

  13. Pingback: Day 15: A Running Conversation… and a DaySpring Giveaway! | Writing… Apples of Gold

  14. Pingback: Day 16: When we want our words to bathe in Light, but discord is all we can see | Writing… Apples of Gold

  15. Pingback: Day 17: A Selah Saturday for Pondering | Writing… Apples of Gold

  16. Pingback: Day 18: When He Soars Our Words | Writing… Apples of Gold

  17. Pingback: Day 19: Roses on A Stone Wall, Entwined With Fall | Writing… Apples of Gold

  18. Pingback: Day 20: Falling Bits of Golden Remembrance | Writing… Apples of Gold

  19. Pingback: Day 21: When Someone Says “I’ve missed you…” | Writing… Apples of Gold

  20. Pingback: Day 22: Where is the LIGHT when the world is tumble jumble? | Writing… Apples of Gold

  21. Pingback: Day 23: When you need to scare away those crows | Writing… Apples of Gold

  22. Pingback: Day 24: There’s a mystery missive waiting for you, when autumn leaves fall | Writing… Apples of Gold

  23. Pingback: Day 25: When you come to the end of a perfect day… | Writing… Apples of Gold

  24. Pingback: Day 26: Meeting Under the Red-Gold Umbrella Tree | Writing… Apples of Gold

  25. Pingback: Day 27: When the wondrous, skittering, rushing sound of Autumn invites you to more | Writing… Apples of Gold

  26. Pingback: Day 28: Like an amber rounded glass between my palms… | Writing… Apples of Gold

  27. Pingback: Day 29: Two on a prayer… | Writing… Apples of Gold

  28. Pingback: Day 30: Word-Watching | Writing… Apples of Gold

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